Docs Proplugs By Scubapro
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Docs Proplugs are the ultimate solution to prevent water entering the ear for all water sports. Designed by a surfing doctor, and recommended by 90% of ENT physicians, these non-invasive earplugs nestle snugly in the outer ear, keeping water and the cold out. The vent enables safer equalisation for divers, through reducing external pressure on the eardrum.
Proplugs help to prevent swimmers ear by eliminating water and bacteria causing infections. Exposure to surfers ear is reduced by keeping the ear dry and warm, minimising exposure to pain, bony tissue growth and hearing damage.
Made of 'Dynaflex' a soft hypoallergenic plastic, they become softer with body heat contact, providing the best fit with comfort.
- Vented - can equalise with them
- Prevents swimmers ear, surfers ear
- Safer equalisation - reducing external pressure on eardrum
- Non-invasive, inexpensive, long-lasting
- Protects against high frequency and loud noises (up to 20db)
- Six size options available for best fit
- Suitable for all water sports